Foster Form

Please Read Before Filling out Form
Quite simply, fostering for Sedona is saving the life of a German Shepherd. The highest risk dogs to be euthanized at a shelter are large breed dogs and senior dogs. Sedona Shepherd Sanctuary is the last chance many of these beautiful animals will have to get out of a shelter and into a loving home.
Full costs for all medical care
A group of dedicated and experienced volunteers to assist you in your fostering journey
A back up plan for when you need to go away on vacation or when any unexpected need occurs
A crate for crate training, if necessary
Fully evaluated and vetted prior to coming into our program
Are up to date on all necessary shots and vaccinations
Are of good temperament and do not have aggressive issues towards people
We are back to servicing adoptions outside New Jersey. Servicing all of New Jersey, Northern Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania, and Southern New York. If you live in the Northeast outside those areas please email first. We do not currently service any states west of Pennsylvania or south of Delaware.
If you have any questions during the process or problems with filling out the application you can reach us at: 646.228.5494.