Forever Foster Friends, where love doesn’t keep track of the years.

Sedona Shepherd Sanctuary is dedicated to providing a loving home to all our special dogs. At Sedona we don’t shy away from senior dogs even if we know the odds of getting adopted are small. That is why we set up our Forever Foster Friends program. This program provides a safe and loving foster home for dogs that would otherwise be considered difficult to adopt because of their age or medical conditions.

Our Forever Foster Dogs still have love to share with a family and are able to maintain a good quality of life. Sedona Shepherd takes care of all medical expenses: ranging from routine checkups, medications, any needed special diets, emergency care, and end-of-life support. Our Forever Foster Friends offer the loving homes these dogs need. This program not only brings joy and purpose to our foster families but also ensures that each senior dog receives the love and affection they truly deserve. Whether their stay lasts for months or years, Sedona Shepherd stands by our Forever Friends every step of the way throughout the journey.

Sedona’s Forever Foster Friends

  • Melo - A Happy and Affectionate Boy

    Melo turns 13 on May 11th and he is showing little signs of slowing down. His owner was moving into an assisted living center and was unable to bring Melo with her. After spending a few months with our longest serving foster home, we found Melo his new special friend. Melo’s foster mom, Gisela has owned dogs all her life. Even in her senior years, Gisela’s last dog was a 100+ lb mastiff rescue through our friends at Rescue Ridge.

    Within the first weekend, Gisela’s friend reached out to us to say, “She loves him already, he's actually very affectionate with her and is adjusting very quickly. It's so terrific.”

  • Kylie - Sweetness Part 1

    It was a difficult year for Kylie and her best buddy Hannah before entering our Forever Friends Program. First, after turning 10 years old, Kylie was diagnosed with diabetes and then Kylie lost her mom to cancer. Her mom’s best friend took over the care but was moving out of state. What were the odds that he would find a home for a senior dog with diabetes? Making it even more difficult, Kylie and Hannah were inseperable and had to be placed together.

    That is when Sedona Shepherd came to their aid. We found an experienced foster home willing to take care of Kylie and Hannah. The first month Kylie had many medical challenges including a urinary tract infection and a trip to an emergency hospital to adjust her insulin levels. Her medical care for the first two months has been over $4,000. Through love, dedication, and support of Veterinary Center of Morris County, Kylie is on the road to recovery.

  • Hannah - Sweetness Part 2

    “A love bug, likes to lean, loves being pet and will seek them out.  Great on leash.  Sweet and friendly.” These were some of the quotes from our volunteer when she first met Hannah. If there is a person nearby, Hannah wants to be their friend.

    When Hannah and Kylie’s mom passed away, the family friend and caretaker was devastated. After taking care of family arrangements, he had to move out of state. But first he reached out to Sedona Shepherd to help keep these best friends together. Sedona Shepherd was up for the challenge. We found a wonderful foster family to care for Hannah and Kylie. Now they going to be able to stay together for the rest of their lives.