On this Thanksgiving Day of 2023, we are happy to announce that Phoenix’s journey has brought her to her forever home.
When Phoenix barks at the Thanksgiving turkey today, this is what she is telling us:
I am thankful for Sherrie for not giving up and making sure I got into a wonderful organization.
I am thankful for Jerry and the Friends of AHS-Newark for keeping me safe.
I am thankful for Sedona Shepherd who took me in and got me the medical care and attention so that I can now walk again.
I am thankful for all the donors and supporters who provided the funds and love to make my surgery possible.
I am thankful to the Onyx and Breezy Foundation for their grant to help with the cost of my surgery.
I am thankful for the great staff at Fanwood Animal Hospital, for Dr. Gibson and the staff at Guardian Veterinary Specialists for their amazing surgery and after care.
I am thankful for the friends I have made at Elizabeth Ann Kennels and K Street Academy.
I am thankful for the volunteers at Sedona Shepherd.
I am thankful for Arlene, Luke and Luna who accepted me into their home.
I am thankful for my foster family, who of course failed and now are my new forever home.
When we last met our intrepid shepherd, Phoenix Rising was returning to Guardian Veterinary Specialists for back surgery. The compressed discs in her lower back left her partially immobile in her back legs. On July 24th, Dr. Gibson performed a hemilaminectomy on her L1-L2 discs. Phoenix recovered at the vet hospital for three days before returning to her foster home. The recovery time from a back surgery for dogs is a slow process, a much longer time period than for humans. While Phoenix and her foster family were anxious to resume activities, it became clear quickly, that Phoenix would need to spend a lot of time binge-watching Animal Planet and old X-Files episodes. (Apparently Phoenix is a big sci-fi fan). For 6 weeks Phoenix was confined to the den and very short (5 minute) walks outside. Her patience paid off. At the second follow-up vet visit, Dr. Gibson was extremely happy with the results and cleared Phoenix for mostly regular activities.
Each week, Phoenix’s walks would increase and best of all she no longer needed a cart for short or long term walks. In late September Phoenix began her rehab schedule with Advanced Canine Rehabilitation. This included water therapy where she continued to increase the strength of her back legs. By late October, not only was Phoenix going on 15 to 20 minute walks in the neighborhood, but she was raring to chase some squirrels along the way. And trying to sneak away with some pub cheese. We couldn’t think of a better day than Thanksgiving to announce Phoenix’s adoption. Thank you to everyone who have been part of her journey and her rising. Enjoy this video tribute.